Divine Intervention
There was man lost and hungry in a wasteland. He saw an old dog limping along. The dog lay down exhausted and close to death. Suddenly, a lion came along […]
There was man lost and hungry in a wasteland. He saw an old dog limping along. The dog lay down exhausted and close to death. Suddenly, a lion came along […]
Summer holidays were the smell of freshly cut grass from the park opposite our house, the thrill of Lyons Maid iced-lollies and the adventure of going home to my immigrant […]
We all have them. ‘Fair Weather friends’ who are friends in the good times but somehow disappear when the going gets tough. But blessed are they who have friends who […]
There was an actress on British TV called Jean Alexander. She worked for the world’s first and longest running drama “Coronation Street.” When she wrote her autobiography I was asked […]
“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist,” said Hélder Pessoa Câmara, the Brazilian Catholic […]
An old flatmate of mine called Dublin Pat – to distinguish him from Belfast Pat – was walking home after an all-night session of drink, drugs and best-not-asks. A florist […]
It was a Sunday morning in the squalid neighbourhood where I lived, on the 6th floor of a putrid high-rise, as a student. My girlfriend got up early to go […]
Once I was in my local bar when a drugged up type came up and started to be a pain in the nether-regions. I fobbed him off and he eventually […]
If you are unlucky, you get a name like Dave, Anne, Juan or Maria. These are your daily names that serve to know when people beckon you or want attention. […]