It’s a Love Thing
We walk along the road and so many things grab at our arms demanding our attention. Or we zombie the ambience with earphones. Art galleries, sightseeing sites, concerts, restaurants, must-sees, […]
We walk along the road and so many things grab at our arms demanding our attention. Or we zombie the ambience with earphones. Art galleries, sightseeing sites, concerts, restaurants, must-sees, […]
There are many famous football teams but when the fans of a team are equally famous you know there is something special happening. Such is the case with the fans […]
I believe that ‘scripture’ (which is a posh word for ‘writing’) can be dangerous. It can be dangerous because (a) it is written by humans and (b) it is interpreted […]
180,000 people in a field at night. The smell of woodsmoke from the bonfires around the periphery. A television camera picks out a raised arm with a burning torch […]
As someone who comes from a monotheist tradition, I do find myself a little envious of religions which have a spectrum of Gods. It just seems like more fun. Of […]
When someone you love dies, you are in the presence of a universal inevitability. Only some of the tears are for the one who has passed. The others are because […]