We walk along the road and so many things grab at our arms demanding our attention. Or we zombie the ambience with earphones. Art galleries, sightseeing sites, concerts, restaurants, must-sees, must-dos, don’t-stop-me-nows. And so our lives becomes the curation of selfies and dull-as-dishwater dinner conversations about where we went, what we saw and what we did.
But underneath the surface of a city, and indeed underneath the surface of a person, there is a different rhythm, a deep sound, a base of Being- what Richard Bach might have called an ‘Is-ness’. You don’t have to rush around Venice gawping at galleries. You can sit in St.Mark’s Square and be still with a coffee and feel the true vibration of the place. The Deep Sound. It is a pulse of tranquility. Those are the moments when you can feel the world turning. And it is good. It works in Madrid, London, Edinburgh…anywhere.
That is when I am happiest – when I am resonating with God’s deep sound and I know that all will be well and all will be well and all will be well in the end. It’s a love thing.